
The Optimus Design - Poster

          The poster has to be created in such a way that it reflect the origin of the font Optima. This was a typography assignment, so I have to play with typeface as well. The design or the poster has to be more simple with lots of information. The poster follows the golden section rule and everything is arranged according to that rule. Reader can simply read the information about that font in either way(left or right), starting from top to bottom. Starting and ending words are painted with different color(orange for the 1st poster) than white.

The Optimus Design - Green

The is another color combination of the same poster. Green looks attractive and eye-catching and a bit creative.

The following picture shows the division of golden section in the poster.


I am a student of Graphic Design at Seneca,GTA Toronto, Canada. I am from Gujarat,India. I am passionate about video editing, photo editing, photography and motorcycling.

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